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At Teknion, employee health and safety is our top priority. In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, one of our most important responsibilities is establishing new safety measures and protocols that promote and sustain physical and psychological well-being. Best practices provide a wider margin of safety.


At this moment, the health of employees, and our communities, takes precedence. Across all of Teknion, we are doing all we can to keep employees healthy. The advent of a global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, has galvanized Teknion to institute stringent measures to protect every employee from viral exposure and illness.

These safety protocols are designed to reduce contact with anyone who may be carrying the virus and ensure that all employees are diligent about practicing physical distancing, washing one’s hands and cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched tools, equipment and other surfaces.






To protect employees and their families, Teknion has assembled important data and guidelines on how best to address the health crisis triggered by the emergence of the coronavirus. As a company, we are actively applying all that we’ve learned to our operations; as employees, we must be diligent and disciplined in the spirit of doing what we can to weather this pandemic and move forward together in good health.


All Teknion

  • Anyone who has travelled outside of Canada is required to self-isolate for 14 days.

  • A protocol exists for employees to follow in the event they experience symptoms of the novel coronavirus or prove to have contracted COVID-19.

  • All employees are screened daily using a touch-free forehead thermometer. Anyone who registers a temperature above normal must return home and remain home until cleared to return to work.

  • Face masks (non medical grade) are distributed daily. Employees receive instructions on how to correctly wear the mask.

  • We have set up an Employee Hotline to contact in the event a location is temporarily closed for disinfecting in response to possible contamination.

  • Disinfecting materials and guidelines are provided for individual use at workstations.

Facility Employees

  • For those required to Clock In/Out, biometric finger scans have been disabled

  • Personal cell phones are to be used for personal calls, rather than company landline phones located in common areas.

  • Coffee and meal break times will be staggered.

  • To prevent crowding, we are limiting lunch/break room occupancy by providing fewer chairs at tables.

  • Additional areas are available for breaks and/or meals.

  • If possible, do not share tools and equipment. If sharing is necessary, tools must be disinfected before/after each use.

  • High traffic shared devices such as door knobs have been replaced with open passage or kick plate door openers.


  • Teknion’s “Work From Home” policy and IT infrastructure enable employees to remain securely and efficiently connected, supporting social distancing.

  • We encourage employees to maintain a 6’ spacing in the office. Meeting room and public space furniture re-organized to ensure.

  • We encourage the use of teleconferencing resources to conduct meetings or discussions.

Precautionary Measures




  • Senior management is meeting frequently and will provide regular briefings on the latest news and information.

  • Posters (in the many languages spoken throughout Teknion) relating to Social Distancing and Handwashing & Sanitizer Use are displayed throughout our facilities.

  • Regular verbal reminders will be used to convey the importance of social distancing, frequent hand washing and covering the mouth when sneezing or coughing.


  • We have restricted building entry. Non-essential vendors or visitors will not be admitted.

  • Guests/Suppliers/Contractors must complete a questionnaire to document any coronavirus symptoms or any exposure to COVID-19 illness.

  • We will screen Guests/Suppliers/Contractors using a touch-free forehead thermometer to detect any fever. Masks will be provided to all visitors.


  • Hand sanitizing stations are set up at all entrances. Extra stations are in place at multiple locations throughout each facility.

  • We have increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces.

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