Generate a variety of layouts from tek/n’s selection of worksurface shapes, beam widths and full-width or intermediate legs. To create privacy and delineate personal space, division and intermediate screens are available either on- or off-module to the worksurface. Acrylic screens create a more open atmosphere.
tek/n’s structure utilizes metal-to-metal components, allowing endless reconfiguration. Leg frames affix to a structural beam underneath the worksurface. This beam enables leg frames to be shared across adjacent desks or benches, to create a clean, crisp look and realize cost savings. tek/n’s open leg frame design makes wiring simple.
Floor-to-desk cable management is achieved through a capacious cable riser, and distributed underneath worksurfaces using wire cable trays.
tek/n has been designed and manufactured in alignment with sustainable principles and LEED® guidelines. It is GREENGUARD and fully compliant to British standards as certified by Fira in the U.K.