Our commitment to finding
responsible end-of-life strategies
extends through our dealer network.
Groupe Focus is located in Montreal,
Canada. It is one of Teknion’s leading
Dealer Partners, and is leading
the charge in its commitment to
extending the life of decommissioned
furniture. Three years ago, Groupe
Focus launched its Premium Used
Furniture Program. The program
arose out of several client projects
that required Groupe Focus to take
back their existing furniture as part
of the agreement for providing new
Where others may have seen waste,
Groupe Focus saw opportunity.
They noticed as they removed
furniture from clients that much
of it was still usable and relevant.
With so much life left in the product,
they didn’t just want to dispose
of it. This led to the beginnings of
the Premium Used Furniture
Program. Renting space to hold
the decommissioned furniture,
Groupe Focus started a campaign
to promote and sell whatever they
had. Their approach was to let
potential clients know that, “We
sell great work environments and
great furniture that has maintained
its value.” As a result of their
campaign, Groupe Focus was able
to sell 18 tractor trailers full of
used furniture in about six months.
Explains Stephane Lemieux, Partner,
Groupe Focus, “This success
demonstrated that not only was there
a need to responsibly decommission
furniture, there was also a demand
for the furniture.” Adds Anthony
Simon, Partner, “It’s not about
selling ‘used’ furniture to budget
clients, it’s about providing our
clients the same level of service and
attention whether the furniture is
new or used, at every step including
installation and delivery.” Heading
into the third year of the program
Groupe Focus has brought back and
sold close to 3,000 workstations.
In addition to the Premium Used
Furniture Program, Groupe Focus
has also introduced an eco-fee on
all new projects. The eco-fee covers
recycling efforts for all packaging,
guaranteeing items such as cardboard
waste get bundled and taken back to
recycling facilities instead of landfill.
This has enabled Groupe Focus to
recycle 108 tonnes of cardboard,
4 tonnes of plastic, 49 tonnes of
metal and 100 tonnes of wood to
date. Stephane explains, “Now,
more than ever, we cannot shirk
our commitment to the planet. We
remain committed to reducing our
environmental footprint and not
surprisingly, our customers are happy
with that. They are ready to take this
step with us.”