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Teknion Secures Contract with The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN)


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New contract opens key opportunities to work with government, higher education and non-profit agencies

For more information in Canada

Mark Harris

Manager, Media Relations

Teknion Corporation

416.661.1577, Ext. 2258

For more information in U.S.

Mary Ellen Magee

Director, Marketing Communications

Teknion LLC



J​UNE ​01, 2015

Teknion LLC announced today a new contract with The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN), a national governmental purchasing cooperative whose lead agency competitively bids contracts and has national vendors for commonly purchased products and services allowing entities to make compliant purchases at a valued rate.

Steve Hindle, Director of Government Sales, enthusiastically stated, “TCPN is one of the fastest growing cooperative purchasing companies in the nation. Teknion is so proud to have been awarded a contract with TCPN, whose reach of 37,000 includes the education market from K-12, charter schools, private schools, state and public colleges and universities, along with cities, municipalities, churches, counties, charitable organizations and state agencies.”

Luanne Shaffer, TCPN’s Director, Government Relations and Marketing, reaffirmed, “Teknion is a leading designer, marketer and manufacturer of furniture and related products. We are so pleased to have Teknion as one of our featured providers.”

Teknion’s contract number is R142214 and the contract is effective May 1, 2015.

About The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN)

TCPN is a national governmental purchasing cooperative established in 1997 whose contracts have been competitively bid and awarded, by a governmental entity serving in the lead agency role, to national vendors for commonly purchased products and services, including facilities, furniture, office supplies and equipment, security systems and technology. Entities that must comply with purchasing procedures mandated by state laws and regulations, like public and private schools, colleges and universities, cities, counties, non-profits and all governmental entities, use TCPN contracts to increase their efficiency and economy when procuring goods and services. As a national purchasing cooperative, TCPN leverages one of the largest pools of purchasing potential and allows agencies to receive a combined buying power regardless of the entity’s size.
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