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Two Teknion Showrooms Receive LEED Platinum Certification


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Boston ​and Montreal ​are First Teknion Showrooms ​to Receive ​LEED Platinum Green Building Certification 

For more information in Canada

Mark Harris

Manager, Media Relations

Teknion Corporation

416.661.1577, Ext. 2258

For more information in U.S.

Mary Ellen Magee

Director, Marketing Communications

Teknion LLC



Ju​ly ​​1​4, 201​6

Teknion Corporation announced today that its new Boston showroom is the company’s first in the United States to be awarded LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for Commercial Interiors 2009 Platinum by the United States Green Building Council. In addition, the Canada Green Building Council has conferred the rating of LEED Canada Platinum to the Teknion Montreal Showroom.

"It is with a true sense of accomplishment that, with our Boston and Montreal spaces, we celebrate our first LEED Platinum showrooms in the U.S. and Canada, respectively," said Tracy Backus, Teknion’s Director of Sustainable Programs. "The USGBC informed us that our Boston space well exceeded the requirements for Platinum. It's a great accomplishment that benefits our employees, our clients and the environment."

Designed by Vanderbyl Design, with tvsdesign as the architect of record, the 7,900-square-foot (734 m²) Boston space reflects Teknion’s latest thinking in workplace design. It blends multiple workplace planning styles from the casual and modern appeal of an open, fluid landscape, to more conservative, formal footprints. The showroom was designed to support health, well-being and sustainability – key factors in creating warm, welcoming and productive workplaces inspired by principles of ethonomics.

The 7,000-square-foot (650 m²) Montreal showroom, by Vanderbyl Design and with Kiva Design as project manager, is a vibrant, light-filled space inspired by the French culture of Montreal. To further enhance the reflection of natural light throughout the space, walls were removed to create an open floor plan and a white, light material palette employed.

In addition to these two recent LEED Platinum certifications, Teknion has five showrooms in the U.S. that have been awarded LEED Gold certification, including those in Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, Santa Monica and Washington, D.C. The previous Boston space had received LEED Silver. In Canada, Teknion’s Ottawa showroom received LEED Silver certification.

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